Monday, December 10, 2012

WMS: Yearbook Order Forms due this Friday (12/14/2012)

Dear Families,

Lask week order forms went home for the yearbook (kinda' early, but that's how it happens these days). I know things don't always get home and returned in a timely manner, so I wanted to send you a link to where you can download a copy, print it, and send it in.

The order forms are DUE THIS FRIDAY 12/14/2012.
This cost is $15.00.
Checks should be made to WMS-PTSA.

The form can be downloaded here: [LINK]

Welcome to the last week before Winter break! :) 


Brian MacNevin

Thursday, December 6, 2012

WMS: Art Project and Math Quiz sent home

Dear Families,

  • The Whatcom Middle School student body is producing a collaborative piece of art and each class will be contributing to it.
  • Tomorrow my students will have the chance to do their part! It sounds like the finished project will be something really amazing and I can't wait to see how it turns out! Be sure to ask your child about their part!
  • 10:00- 11:30 My RED group kids will be contributing.
    12:30- 02:00 My BLUE group kids will be contributing.
Math Quiz
  • On Tuesday my students took a math quiz and those have come home today. Students will write a reflection letter to help explain their performance and to plan for improvements, but the letter will not be due until next Tuesday.
  • When my RED group took the quiz, I discovered I had included the wrong question for a level 4 question. Today red group students who wanted to try for the level 4 had that opportunity with an additional question.
  • I had time to fix the error for my BLUE group kids before they took the quiz, so they didn't need that additional question today in class. Their quizzes are complete.

Brian MacNevin

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

WMS: Math/Science Update

Dear Families,

This week we have been pretty busy. My students took a quiz on Tuesday and got another one back on the same day. On their multiplication of fractions quiz, they have a reflection letter due tomorrow and it should be signed by you. The long and the short of the letter is that they share with you what the learning target was and how well they did with the parts of that learning target and what they plan to do to get better and improve their scores.

Today students picked up Bits and Pieces 3 from the library! It's our last bits and pieces book and we will be using it to learn about using percentages. We will also be reviewing addition, subtraction, and multiplication of decimals using this book and we will also learn about dividing decimals. Most of these decimal calculation skills we will cover in our math reviews since the only one that is universally new is dividing decimals.

In science we have been wrapping up photosynthesis and students spent yesterday and today putting together an illustrated storyboard of photosynthesis. They will receive three different scores for their storyboard to gauge their understanding of photosynthesis: one on the process of photosynthesis and one involving illustrated details about how photosynthesis happens. The third grade is on the attention they paid to producing a quality product. While the storyboards were due today, I told students that if they wanted to take theirs home to work on it and do an especially careful job with it, they were welcome to do so, as long as it was turned in by 9:15 AM.

Thank you, and have a wonderful evening!

Brian MacNevin

Monday, December 3, 2012

WMS: Math Update and math quiz tomorrow

Dear Families,

It's December already! I want to update you about what we're working on right now.

Last week we worked on dividing fractions and tomorrow we have a quiz on that skill. The learning target is, "I can divide fractions and mixed numbers and use this to solve problems." 

Students should know how to make diagrams of simple division problems (like 1/2 divided by 2/5; I sent out a video showing what that was like last week). And they should know how to use an algorithm (in equation form) for solving more complex ones.

The equation solution involves inverting  the "divided by" number before multiplying two fractions together. Also, any mixed numbers should be turned into improper fractions first.

So 1 1/2 / 2/5 becomes 3/2 x 5/2.

This is exactly the same kind of division with fractions we all learned in school. The only thing different we ask them to be able to do as well us use a diagram for simpler problems. 

Today students took a practice quiz and tonight they have some practice problems that look exactly like the quiz will. I have placed a copy of it on dropbox and you can find that at this link: [link].

Previous emails, our homework calendar, and student help resources are all available on my website, If there are things you need help finding, please don't hesitate to ask.

Warm regards,

Brian MacNevin